Well Olivea and I flew down to Las Vegas at the end of May because my Father-in-law got tickets for the girls to go see Carrie Underwood. We hadn't been to Vegas since January so it was about time to visit and see everyone. Plus Uncle Mikey got home from his mission at the end of April and he still hadn't met Olivea. So we headed to Vegas!
The Carrie Underwood concert was AMAZING. Usually most live concerts are awesome but sound not so great, but Carrie was spot on and sounded GREAT! Thanks to my awesome father-in-law for getting us tickets, not to mention 12th row tickets! Of course we all forgot our cameras at home. LAME. But still we had a great time. And thanks again to Bryan (and Mikey) for watching Olivea so us girls could partay!
Garron had to work the day we needed to fly out so Olivea and I went ahead and Garron flew in on Sunday night. We had a great time enjoying the warm weather while it snowed in Utah and just catching up with family. Thanks to the Combs who let us stay at their house and Mikey for letting us take over his room for a week.
The siblings not acting crazy for 2 seconds!

While we were there, a family from the Combs' ward invited us to their family home evening at a near by park. We enjoyed visiting with them but the highlight was walking down the street to see all the peacocks. There are about 30-40 wild peacocks that just kinda live at this house and in the trees. The owners of the home leave out dog food at night for them to eat and the peacocks just stick around. Olivea LOVED watching them and also feeding the horses. She really loves animals and Papa is great to show her all about them.

One actually opened it's feathers for us. So pretty!

Then we went over to the horses.

And Papa even helped Olivea feed one. It kinda scared her but she was brave!

At the park, Olivea tried swinging for the FIRST time. She loved it. Not too many parks have swings anymore, in fact since we have been home I have been trying to find one but have had no luck! :(

Oh great... She already wants to drive a red sports car. Her Papa is so proud!

We ended the trip going swimming at the Henderson Multi-Gen Pool. Olivea loves to swim and it was a really warm day. She took a great nap after! That's the best part for Mom!