Monday, January 30, 2012

March 2011 Update Part 2

Continuing with March. 

My birthday was on the 31st and I turned 24. My friend Marci threw a little lunch at her house with some of my friends. It was so nice of Marci and was a great day. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the luncheon. Garron was out of town this time for the big day, but he sent flowers and cake. 
Oh and Olivea can official go to Nursery at church because she is now 18months. WOO HOO. The church is true.

And I guess she can gamble too at 18 Months. Gotta start them young right?!?

1 comment:

David and Liz Barham said...

Woo hoo the church is true. I'm laughing out loud.